Tomorrow 4th grade has Wordly Wise #4 test.
In math we are going to be reinforcing place value skills. This year students will learn into the trillions place and need to be solid in their place value of whole numbers before moving into decimals which will be taught beginning the last week of October. We are also moving into long division with singe and double digits.
In science we have been going over expectations for the Invention Convention project. Students will be able to take home the packet by the end of today for guidelines for the project. We have completed Chapter 1 in the science book. The class has been exploring living things and the parts of a cell. On Monday, students used microscopes and viewed various objects under the scope. We will used the microscope more next week. Students have been guided through the notetaking process and will use their notes to study for the Chapter 1 Science test. Date to be announced.
Please be checking agendas each night and signing the agenda.
14 years ago