Today for followup for reading the biography of Helen Keller, students watched The Miracle Worker. Fabulous movie! Students were able to visually observe how Annie Sullivan loved Helen and guided her through her life and dedicated herself to Helen. She stayed with Helen throughour her life up until she finally went completely blind herself and had to relinquish her aide to Helen, however Annie stayed with Helen until she (Annie) passed away. Such dedication!
Next week we will begin our unit on inventions and discoveries. Please note that next Friday, October 15 the invention convention one page typed proposal is due. NEXT THURSDAY WILL BE THE SCIENCE TEST OVER CHAPTER ONE**Students have all the materials to study in their notes and we have gone over what needs to be studied.
We played a game solidifying place value skills. We will test soon over this concept. Date TBA
Today the students were given next week's spelling test as a barometer for how they need to study for next week's test. If they spelled only 4 or less incorrect they are to also study for the challenge list and will be expected to take that portion along with the original list. Lists are coming home today and the test will be next Wednesday.
14 years ago