Thursday, October 21, 2010

I know you all curious to know what we're learning in Judaics. I am sending the books home with them today, so you can see what we've been working on. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE BOOKS MAKE IT BACK TO SCHOOL BY MONDAY!! So far, we've been working primarily in the text books. We spent a lot of time last week learning some of the skills we'll be needing to learn Torah, including how to use the commentary and the word lists. We also started to do some translation with class discussion. We haven't used our workbooks that much yet. I hope to send the books home every two weeks, so you can see our progress and hopefully, you'll be able to see more and more of the work we're doing. As always please let me know if there are any questions.

I tend to not give homework in Judaics, as we do a lot of partner work and class discussion. However, if students aren't using class time wisely, they may need to finish their work at home or during recess. I will also assign reading practice and review for homework.