Thursday, August 26, 2010

Notes from the Music Room

Welcome to a new year. Prepare your ears!! Recorders!!
Fourth grade will expand their music reading skills by playing the soprano recorder. We will develop those skills using "Recorder Karate" which lets a child self pace for those who can advance more quickly. Children earn "karate belts" as they learn new notes and rhythms which become progressively more challenging. They should always bring their recorders and their recorder folder to music. If you have not purchased a recorder, they are available at most music stores such as Sam Ash and High School Music. The folder (brads and pockets) will contain their music.
The students will have "homework" or practice most weeks which will be written in their agenda books. This week they should be experimenting with their recorder head joint by making "bird calls.".....not written in their agenda books to spare your ears :).
I am looking forward to a great year in music with your children. Patty Riggle Bonner-music