Friday, August 27, 2010

August 27, 2010

The class has been wonderful! They are diligent workers and are a joy to be around each day. Several times I have heard the remark from the kids that their brains are working hard, especially in math and there are good things going on! They are working with long multiplication and next week we will begin multidigits multiplied by multidigits.
In writing we are working on expository writing and will begin our writing cycle next Monday. This past week the students took first of year pre-writing assessments in both expository and narrative writing which I will file. It is a good place for me to identify where each student is starting from in their writing and where improvement is needed.
Today the 4th grade also took a practice Wordly Wise test. As mentioned on back to school night, I have been walking them through the first WW lesson since it is new to them in fourth grade. They have taken an ungraded Wordly Wise Lesson 1 test so they can view what the tests will look like in the future.
Have a wonderful and restful weekend. The kids have now had their first full week of school and have been hard back at work and need to rest those minds for another full week! Shabbat Shalom

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Notes from the Music Room

Welcome to a new year. Prepare your ears!! Recorders!!
Fourth grade will expand their music reading skills by playing the soprano recorder. We will develop those skills using "Recorder Karate" which lets a child self pace for those who can advance more quickly. Children earn "karate belts" as they learn new notes and rhythms which become progressively more challenging. They should always bring their recorders and their recorder folder to music. If you have not purchased a recorder, they are available at most music stores such as Sam Ash and High School Music. The folder (brads and pockets) will contain their music.
The students will have "homework" or practice most weeks which will be written in their agenda books. This week they should be experimenting with their recorder head joint by making "bird calls.".....not written in their agenda books to spare your ears :).
I am looking forward to a great year in music with your children. Patty Riggle Bonner-music

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fourth Grade!

Fourth grade is feeling the challenge of stepping up to 4th grade. We have started note taking in basic outline bullet-point form. The information we have been outlining is from their Texas history book. The subject-matter was the beginning of the settlement of the Americas and the movement of nomads down after crossing over Beringia.

In math we are reviewing addition and subtraction. The students are adding multidigit numbers with 3 or more multidigits numbers; subtraction is involving multi-borrowing problems. We have been pretending to be bankers for Bill Gates and his BIG bank account has withdrawals and deposits:-). I am proud of the students for knowing their math facts; it is extremely helpful to have such knowledge quickly accessible, especially as we progress through the year advancing through higher math concepts.

Language Arts will have Wordly Wise this year. If you are not familiar with Wordly Wise it is a vocabulary program. I have been walking the fourth graders through the assignments for the first lesson so they will understand what to do on future lessons. They will not be tested over the first lesson. Please know that when the students have a Wordly Wise lesson they will only be tested over the vocabulary on a multiple choice test; they will not be tested over the spelling of the words, however students who would like an extra challenge may take a spelling test over the words. Please let me know if you would like this expectation of your child and I will plan accordingly. Wordly Wise will rotate each week with spelling lessons over the following week. Students will have it written in their agendas and I will have it on the blog.

I can see we are off to a great start this year. Please do not hesitate through the year to email me with questions or concerns as they arise. Email is my best communication. I check it periodically through out my school day and a few times over the weekend I remote in to school email.

Melinda Black

Monday, August 23, 2010

Fourth Grade Art

Fourth graders are exploring the rich diversity of pattern by drawing Pattern Pictures of palm trees or people. We reviewed how artists such as Jacob Lawrence and David Hockney repeat shapes and lines to create rhythm and movement in their art. The students' mixed media drawings combine black markers and colored pencil to emphasize the patterns and rhythm in their artworks.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Days

Welcome to fourth grade. This year is going to be packed with learning and exploring new and wonderful ideas. General Studies will not have assigned homework this week but will start having homework beginning next Monday. The class is off to a wonderful beginning and I am excited to be able to teach your child. I am looking forward to meeting you next Tuesday evening and getting you acquainted with fourth grade. -Melinda Black