Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pluralistic Judaics Update

Shana Tova!!

I am excited to announce that I am finally up and running with the blog. I apologize for not being in touch sooner. Fourth grade started this year reviewing what they know about Rosh HaShana, focusing on the symbols, foods, and objects that we use during the holiday. We also learned the 7 Steps of Complete Tshuvah according to the Rambam. As you many of you know we are working with the Tal Am Curriculum. At Meet the Teachers Night, I said that I would not be sending the books home. However, I would like you to see how your child is progressing. After the holidays, I will start to send the books home at regular intervals. I ask for your cooperation in making sure your child is using their time to work in class effectively, as well as to make sure the books MAKE IT BACK TO SCHOOL!

I look forward to reaching out to more of you individually, just as soon as the craziness of the new school year and all the holidays dies down a bit. As always, I encourage you to contact me at with any questions or concerns.

I wish you and your families a happy, sweet, and healthy New Year, as well as a year of successful learning together for all of us!